Extracting information from text is the task of obtaining structured, machine-processable facts from information that is mentioned in an unstructured manner. It thus allows systems to automatically aggregate information for further analysis, efficient retrieval, automatic validation, or appropriate visualization. This work explores the potential of using textual patterns for Information Extraction from the World Wide Web.
Umfang: VII, 236 S.
Preis: €35.50 | £33.00 | $63.00
These are words or phrases in the text that have been
automatically identified by the
Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation service,
which provides Wikipedia
and Wikidata
links for these entities.
Blohm, S. 2011. Large-Scale Pattern-Based Information Extraction from the World Wide Web. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5445/KSP/1000015694
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Dieses Buch ist Peer reviewed. Informationen dazu finden Sie hier
Veröffentlicht am 4. Februar 2011
Paperback | 978-3-86644-479-9 |